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Dawne Austin

Purpose Restoration Coach, Intercessory Minister, Public Speaker

Dawne is a Purpose Restoration Coach with 12 plus years in Women's ministry.  Her signature program "Piece to Peace" has been developed from the international mentoring program, "Woman to Woman," that she founded in 2008 to mentor and empower Christian women from all denominations to apply, live and experience the freedom expressed in the Word of God for Spirit-led, joyful and peaceful lives.

With over a decade of experience Dawne is able to share her life-changing wisdom and has encouraged many women to find lasting solutions to their problems and created a positive impact on their lives. She is an intercessor, a prayer warrior and teacher, knowledgeable in the Word of God.

Dawne firmly believes that it is possible for every person to grow into God’s original intent and provides supportive practical tools for personal growth. She aims to encourage and strengthen Christian women as they develop into their individual purpose, gifting and callings with particular emphasis on allowing God to restore and heal those who are broken, have become stuck or feel that there is something missing. Dawne is dedicated to seeing women get their fire back and being restored to their specific purpose.

On several occasions her dedication and passion for assisting women has taken her to South Africa and Mozambique with ministry teams teaching them how to translate pain to strength and pour love into other vessels.

Dawne understands that being a woman in ministry is sometimes a lonely place and there are few who are willing to explore real or complex issues. With years of experience she is able to unlock women from their areas of captivity to reach their full potential in an open and transparent way.

Here are the reasons you can depend on Dawne Austin to help you learn how to be healed and restored from painful experiences:

  • REPUTABLE - Dawne Austin has been around since 2008, a respected leader in her field and community.
  • EXPERIENCED - Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long term clients who put their trust in Dawne year after year.
  • INTEGRITY - Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. Dawne never compromises on quality of service. The foundation of her reputation and commitment is to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.
  • RESOURCES -  Dawne offers a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that gets results.
  • CUSTOMIZABLE - All of Dawne's curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - Dawne wants you to be completely satisfied with her service. She will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.
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Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Prayers to Increase Your Peace - Written by Dawne Austin

This eBook is one of Dawne Austin's most popular publications available 
as a free download.

  • Eliminate Fear
  • Decree your Day
  • Gain Release from Anxiety
  • Live your Life in Freedom
  • Be Victorious

What People Are Saying:

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Heather Alcock
Mobilise Now/ Praying with God

"When I have seen Dawne in action in the breakout rooms I have always been impressed. Dawne is a natural trainer and has developed excellent skills in training people. I think people find Dawne very approachable and supportive."

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Christine Korczak
Executive Coach and Weight Loss Specialist

"If you are going through a difficult situation in life, I have no hesitation in recommending Dawne to you. She will enable you to find lasting solutions to your problems. I am very grateful to Dawne for her wise coaching and counselling, which has had a positive impact on my life."

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Dolly London
Deconess - Freedom Worship Centre

"Dawne is very compassionate and has the ability to connect with others. She is an intercessor, a great prayer warrior and knowledgeable in the Word of God. I strongly recommend her ministry."

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Natasha Abrams

"God has blessed Dawne with ability, a kind heart and a passion for helping people. I was provided with the right security and environment I needed, of peace and calmness, in order to be restored and get my fire back! Dawne has taught me to rest and be restored. The peace that illuminates from her is what I needed."

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Hilda Mvandaba
Apostle -Christ Ambassador Ministries

"As speaker at our women's conference Dawne was ministering and encouraging the women in the need to pray. I could feel in my spirit that she is a woman that prays a lot and I trusted that she would not share my problems with another person. After Dawne gave me counselling I felt my burden had lifted."

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