How to Easily Avoid Burnout
Jul 30, 2022There was a time when I was the Leader of several of my church's ministries and a team member of many others. I was busy all the time, and despite giving my all, I doubt, performing at my best on any of the teams. It was not long before I was burnt out. Eventually, I was at the altar one day and I heard the Lord say "Go".
The problem was I was out of position and not where I should have been. I wanted to help everybody and do everything. I had spread myself too thin and had forgotten that we are each many different parts of the body. We need to work together in our assigned places so that we can fit together.
The first step to avoid burn-out is to listen, see and hear where you are to serve. Get in the correct position.
Get accountability. Have regular conversations and give feedback to your Pastor or Leader
Be content where you are. Enjoy the assignment you are on. It is to grow your skills.
Take time off. The Church will continue to function without you.
Train others and delegate too. There was an appointed time for Elisha to step into Elijah's shoes and you are serving to build the Kingdom of God.
Assess and refresh yourself. Your first service and relationship is with God. Are you taking time to spend time with Him in the Word and Worship? Are you still experiencing
Joy and passion do not have to be long burnt out embers in your life. If your fire has gone out due to overuse, loss of faith or hope it is time to re-kindle the fire and restore the flame.
Let the fire in your belly burn again and whatever the circumstance experience joy daily.